Register an Institutional Account

A comprehensive guide on how to join the M2 community as a business or an institution, including the basic requirements for creating an account.

Managing Editor
Kareem Basyouni

This article contains all the requirements and steps to register an institutional account, M2 must receive the following:

  1. Full Legal Entity Name (as per the trade license and official register)
  1. Email address
  1. Password

Once you enter the required information, you will receive an OTP on the email you provided.

A screenshot of a login formDescription automatically generated

verification screen

1. Enter your mobile number for phone verification.

phone verification

2. Business Information Page

Please provide accurate information for the entity onboarding:

  • Country of incorporation
  • Address
  • City
  • Zip code (Optional)
  • Countries of operation
  • Business activity
  • Source of Funds
business info

3. Authorized Representative Information:

Please provide the information of the POA that will handle the entity’s account:

  • Authorized Representative (POA) check: Yes or No
  • Authorized Trader check: Yes or No
  • First Name (Required)
  • Middle Name (Optional)
  • Last Name (Required)
  • Date of Birth: DD/MM/YYY
  • Email Address (Required)  
  • Phone number (Required)
Graphical user interface, applicationDescription automatically generated

4. Account handling:

You will be asked if you are the Authorized representative of the institution, and you need to make a selection to proceed further with the company account registration.

A screenshot of a computer screenDescription automatically generated

Authorized representative Information Questions

If you are the authorized representative of the company then you need to provide the information below.

  • First & last name
  • DOB
  • Nationality
  • Email address of the authorized representative
  • Authorized representative mobile number.
  • Account type (Market Maker or Institutional client)
authorized representative info

If you are the authorized representative and the authorized trader of the company, then you will be required to provide the below information for the Authorized trader.

authorized representative info

If you are not the authorized representative nor the authorized trader, then you need to provide the information below

  • Who will be handling the account.
  • Email address
  • Account type (Institutional client)
A screenshot of a phoneDescription automatically generated

5. Company Type Classification

You will be required to fill in the following information relevant to Common Reporting Standard (CRS) classification.

company type classification

Please read the T&Cs and continue, M2 Onboarding team will update you shortly regarding your verification status & will reach out to the registered email for further information and verification process.

verification under review

Complete verification of your institutional account

Once you have successfully completed the registration process and logged in, you will find notification on your institutional account dashboard to resume your onboarding journey so you can start using M2 platform.

Click on complete identity verification.

m2 dashboard

ID Verification:  M2 requires a liveness check as this process is designed to verify your identity and to protect you from identity theft. 

verification start screen

Make sure you have your passport handy as it will be scanned on the platform.

select country

Then you will be required to go through face verification as well for security and verification. Ensure the brightness of the room or area is not too bright nor dark.

id info

Next step for institutional accounts, M2 Onboarding team will reach out to you via the registered email to gather the required Questionnaire and documents.  

Verifying your account is an important step to take if you want to enjoy the full features of M2.  

How to Check Your Account Status

After completing all the required verification, you can check the status of your account by logging in and checking your Verification tab from profile page.

A verified account will display a green checkmark on the account verification status as shown in the sample image below.

lite verification

It is highly recommended to conduct thorough research prior to making any financial decisions. Please note that this article's purpose is solely for educational purposes and the author and the organization, M2, do not influence the reader's investment or trading choices.

Kareem Basyouni

Kareem comes with 19 years experience in Operations and Customer experience with extensive global exposure in various fields and fintech. In 2019 Kareem discovers the crypto world in depth and becomes an enthusiast while he believes crypto is the future and financial freedom. Joined M2 in 2022 and is leading the Global Customer Experience for the exchange.

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